5 Signs It May Be Time For Cataract Surgery

Older woman reading about Cataracts

Are you starting to notice that you need stronger light to read? Have you needed to get frequent new prescriptions in a short period of time?

These are two of the signs that you could be developing cataracts. While getting cataract surgery is not urgent in the beginning, eventually you may want it. Keep reading to learn more about some of the signs that it may be time for cataract surgery!

What is a Cataract?

Before having a cataract, the lens in the eye is clear. But with age, it can become cloudy. When this happens, this is usually one of the most obvious signs that you have cataracts.

Having a cataract can be like looking at the world through a cloudy or dirty window. This can cause difficulty driving at night and trying to complete detail-oriented tasks like sewing.

Cataracts are incredibly common as a result of the aging process. Most people will develop them at some point in their lives.

Here are 5 signs it may be time for cataract surgery.

1. Colors Look Faded

As cataracts develop, colors start looking faded and discolored. For some, white starts looking more like a pastel yellow. You may also see things as looking muddy or brown.

2. Difficulty Driving at Night

Cataracts make it challenging to differentiate between light and dark. Some patients say that they get headaches from looking at headlights and street lamps.

A common symptom of cataracts is seeing halos around lights at night. These vision issues make driving at night difficult for those that have cataracts.

3. Frequent Changes in Glasses or Contact Lens Prescriptions

As your cataracts mature, your vision changes too. You can go from being able to see distances without glasses to needing frequent new prescriptions to see.

Rapid changes in your vision is often a sign you have cataracts. If you don’t have cataracts, it can be a sign of another serious vision problem, so let your eye doctor know if your vision changes unexpectedly.

4. Vision Changes

Cataracts start off small and grow slowly, and do not usually affect your vision. You may not even realize you have them at first!

Over time, your vision will start becoming impacted because of cataracts. Getting frequent eye exams is the best way to diagnose and keep an eye on your cataracts.

Vision changes associated with cataracts include foggy, blurry, or faded vision. You may develop light sensitivity or even double vision in one eye with cataracts.

Since cataracts make the lens in your eye cloudy, it is harder for light to enter. This is what can lead to some patients experiencing double vision.

5. Needing Strong or Intense Light

To see clearly, you may need stronger light while trying to complete activities. Using more light can be helpful for tasks like reading. This is only a temporary solution and will not help as your cataracts continue developing.

Are you ready to discuss getting cataract surgery? Schedule a cataract screening at Mid Ohio Eye in Columbus, OH today!

Why wait any longer if your vision with cataracts is no longer allowing you to live with ease?